Friday, April 25, 2008

Final Grades in Prophetic Literature Course 2007-2008

First, I would like to acknowledge the summa cum laude in this course: C. S. Kabamalan and D. M. A. Malabuyoc.

Second, your final grade is now submitted to the Registrar. Since the SVD seminarians wrote a letter not to post grades publicly, you would then have to go personally to the office.

Third, here's how your final grade is computed:

Average of 5 Quizzes - 10%
First Major Exam - 20%
Academic Paper - 25%
Final Exam - 45%
Total = 100%

N.B. according to our Syllabus, quizzes should have been 30%, but since there are only 5 quizzes, percentage is reduced to 10. Consequently, percentage of the Final Exam increased from 25 to 45 like the price of rice. Fortunate or unfortunate, that happens when we are not faithful to our Syllabus.